Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lets try this again. I'm having problems with the internet.

We have had another couple of awesome days. From Kenai we drove up to Discovery Point were we could view the Ring of Fire. Five active volcanoes visable from the Kenai Penninsula. From Nitiski we could see oil rigs out in Cook Inlet.

From Kenai we spent one night at Anchor Point. It is the westerly most highway point in North America. There are lots of Eagles there and we were able to get some fabulous pictures. I must have got to within 20 feet of one! It was spectacular!

The drive to Homer was short. Only about 39kms. We wandered around yesterday. We seriously concidered going bear watching but it was outragiously expensive. It would have been over $1000.00 for the two of us and we figured we could do alot with that so decided not to.

We went for fresh Alaskan king crab for dinner instead.

Today is the first really dreary stationary day we have had. We took a boat across Kachemak Bay and it was great inspite of the rain.

Monday we are off to Whittier and will take the ferry to Valdez. We've been told we should see whales, dolphins. otters and seals. We're really looking forward to it.

We've been gone 44 days now and are still loving it. A little over one third along.

Until next time

LOL Eddie & Merrilyn

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