Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hello From San Francisco

We survived the coast highway. It was twisty, turney, sheer cliffs, steep hills and massive down grades some with hair pin turns in them!!!!! There were a few times when I cried for my Mommy! Ed say to make sure everyone knows that it was Merrilyn wanting her Mommy and not him! He enjoyed it and kept saying the driving was not stressful. He did admit when we arrived tonight that it was a little stressful.

Well after putting on 16,672 kms we had our first mishap. The night before last, our first in California, when we were pulling into our site we damaged the back left corner of the unit by being bitten by a giant redwood stump. Then today on one of the hair pin turns that went from a down grade to an incline right in the middle of the turn when there was a car coming in the other direction, we bottomed out and the bumper hit the road.

Last night we were as close to camping on the beach as we can get with a big rig. We sat on the beach and watched the sunset! It was so nice!

Tonight is the first of four just out side of San Francisco and tomorrow we are going on a tour of the city. I can't wait to show Eddie, as I have always loved San Francisco.

The dogs are the best of travellers and Brindy has not been sick at all even on the roads the last three days.

Well I'm going to say by for now as we want to go walk said dogs.

In the last picture of the first group note the white dot in the upper portion of the pic. That is a camper on the road where we just came from.

LOL Eddie & Merrilyn

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