Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hello From Kenai

We had a very pretty drive along the Turnagain Arm when leaving Anchorage on the 26th, and then on to the Kenai Peninsula. We stayed at a beautiful little camp site in Cooper Landing. Cooper Creek North. One of 7 compleatly dry camp sites. Copper Creek South only had 22 tent sites. On our side there were really only two or three sites you could an RV into.

On the 27th we did the Kenai Canyon rafting trip. It was great. We drifted 10 miles down the fast moving river and had lunch served to us on the river shore. Then we went 7 miles through the canyon with class 2 & 3 rapids so still pretty tame but fun. In the canyon we saw a mother moose with her calf and then another moose. We saw lots of eagles along the way. lastly we entered Skilac Lake. From a distance you could really see the difference in the colour of the Kenai River and the glacier lake. There was almost a break water where the two surging waters met. We motored 5 miles up the very rough lake. That was where we really needed the rain gear.

Now I have a story about pictures taken during the trip. We did not take the Nikon as we didn't know just how wet things would get. I kept muttering "A kingdom for my Nikon" as until the lake having the Nikon would have been fine and then I could have put it in a wet bag. Anyways..... I only had pics taken on the little camera. Better than nothing I told myself. Last night I down loaded all the pics from the last couple of days on to the computer. This evening I go to transfer canyon pics to the trip file and guess what! The canyon pics have gone into never never land. Can't find them anywhere! Someone just didn't want us having canyon pics!

Today we drove less than 100KM to Kenai. We are at Beluga Lookout RV Park. Unfortunatly we don't have a site backing on the bluff but it is still a beautiful spot. The camp ground is on top of a bluff overlooking the mouth of the Kenai River at Cook Inlet. Beluga whales come in to the river at high tide to feed. We sat out in the sun for three hours waiting for them but didn't see any. We were treated to kingfishers feeding and very impressive eagles. One majestic mature one and two immature ones. One of the babies was flying with a kill and trying to eat it at the same time. The sky was a clear blue so it was a lovely way to spend an afternoon. And the pics of the eagles helps with the lose of the canyon pics.

We're still here tomorrow and don't know where we are on Thursday night then off to Homer for the long weekend.

LOL Ed & Merrilyn

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